by Veerle | Sep 14, 2017 | General Blog
According to your Possibilities – Not Your Limitations As I am taking the early Virgin train to London, I recall some of the insights one of my teachers, Carl Harvey, shared in our monthly Abundance Book Club (ABC) recently. My passport needs renewing as I...
by Veerle | Sep 10, 2017 | General Blog
How suppressing your emotions can kill you. Conscious Healing: I am writing this, in the back of a small Fokker plane that is finding its way over the Nord Sea, from Amsterdam to Newcastle, UK. As I was checking in, I experienced the physical sensation of fear in my...
by Veerle | Sep 2, 2017 | General Blog
Seven Signs That Your Angels Are Talking To You: Feathers Songs Butterflies Babies and Pets Light and Orbs Rainbows Feeling the Wings of Loving Angels Did you ever find a feather in a bird free area and wondered” How did that get here?” Did you ever spot a feather...
by Veerle | Aug 25, 2017 | General Blog
Does it really exist? Is it just sexual attraction or is there more to it? I was Courted through Amsterdam by a Stranger Today. “ Do you know how to get to the Rembrandt museum?” a stranger asked me in the narrow alley google maps had sent me in. The...
by Veerle | Aug 10, 2017 | General Blog
Learn How to Trust and Act upon your Intuition. It was the last day of our safari in South Africa. My husband Mark, a native, and I were the only guests in the gorgeous Sabi Sabi private game reserve. Our room was in a thatched rondavel( a typical round dwelling) that...
by Veerle | Jul 22, 2017 | General Blog
Angel cards and visiting a spiritual church in Pretoria. My conversations with Veronique 2015: Dear Veronique, thank you for your answer. Gerlind took me to a spiritual church. They have a meeting every Sunday evening. It was reasonably interesting with prose and...