Find Inner Peace with Archangel Uriel’s 5 Power Tools

The AA for Transformation and Tranquility
Uriel releases pain and trauma from the past.
He provides Insights and Inspiration
AA Uriel helps artists, musicians, and writers
How cool is this: You go to bed with a wish for insight or creative inspiration (especially good for writer’s block), you ask Uriel to bestow upon you great ideas in your dream. You must tell your body that you want to wake up and remember the inspiration you’ll receive during the night.
Have a pen and paper ready next to your bed so that you can jot down this divine ideas immediately after awakening. Otherwise you will forget.
AA Uriel helps you turn situations around and gives you a fresh perspective.
Uriel helps us understand that that sometimes doors close and although this is painful and disappointing, he will show you how this was the best solution for you to find and follow your life purpose. Years later you will look back at the event and see it as a wonderful blessing.
Archangel Uriel is always available to help you find inner peace.
When you are beating yourself up over past mistakes, be aware that guilt is a very unhealthy emotion. It often leads to self-destructive behaviour like food disorders, alcoholism, self harm and depression. If you keep rehashing wrong decisions, it creates great turmoil in your head. Ask Uriel to help you forgive yourself and all parties involved.
The Journey, developed by Brandon Bays, has a very powerful process for eliciting forgiveness that I have successfully incorporated in my Angel coaching sessions. It is called the campfire. Archangel Uriel is always a good mentor to invite at your transformational forgiveness fire. Learn more about the Journey and how you can experience the Journey Intensive first hand.
AA Uriel helps you gain clarity and insight about the motivations of others.
As if you would stand in their shoes, if it were.
I recommend that you ask Uriel to give the other people involved (the ones that hurt you) an experience of the pain they have caused you. Once you learn this, you will be less naive and vulnerable and less likely to get hurt by the hidden agendas of others.
A powerful tool in the office environment, this one. My general rule is to say nothing bad about anyone, as we don’t know what a particular shitty day this person might have had at home. Maybe their teenage son tried to commit suicide the previous night or their 13 year old niece has successfully hung herself.
It sounds hard but these are two real life examples from my current workplace.
Compassion is king in my heart, an original by Dr V. AA Uriel will help you with that too.
AA Uriel wants you to be successful and to prosper.
Uriel is keen to help hard working humans to get ahead. Thank you Uriel!
When you desire more prosperity, ask Uriel. He will assist you to get more money for what you need. Only this year I went to an Abundance weekend with my last coins I paid for the train there. I had prepaid the event and simple accomodation. I felt a powerful Archangel presence as I expressed my dreams and desire for enough money to pay my bills, feed my children and to lead a freedom life.
The week after two bigs sums of money arrived in my bank account. They had been hanging in the ether for years and finally they materialised.
My memoir” My Surgeon Talks To Angels” survived the editor and was published on Amazon, My dream house found me and a team of human helpers help me sign a mortgage, all within the next month… Voila! If I can do it, you can do it too.
If you want to learn more about these powerful angel techniques, contact me via my contact page no this site or check out the Events page for my upcoming workshops. Click here for workshops dates
My Surgeon Talks to Angels: A Journey from Science to Faith eBook