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The Silver Lining of romantic breakups

The Silver Lining of romantic breakups

It is daunting, being thrown back in the singles pond, more so after a longterm relation- ship which is complicated by shared property, offspring, pets and last but not least bank ac- counts, than after a short term romantic relationship. Through divorce, death or...

5 Steps to BOUNCE Back from BURNOUT NOW

5 Steps to BOUNCE Back from BURNOUT NOW

Hi this is Dr. Veerle Van Tricht, The Burnout Expert and Isabella is my cute daughter on the photo. In this blog I want to give you an introduction to the five steps of my burnout resuscitation program. An ideal life is balanced, like a circle, there's equal energy...

What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You

What You Don’t Know May Be Killing You When American troops liberated the death camp survivors, one single man was found untouched by the six years of miserable circumstances. He had lived on the same starvation diet, slept n the same airless and disease-ridden...

Energy Booster

Lets get you out of bed I know you are not feeling like it. The outside world seems too threatening, too tiring, too much...” Thank God, I am still alive”, was the first thought to pop up in my mind. I woke up in violent-ridden South Africa with this thought for most...

10 Commandments of Well Sleeping

Implement these and stop tossing! As a holistic coach and healer I approach sleep from the direction of the body, the mind and the environment “Have a glass of red wine”, my doctor recommended when I spoke to him about my problem with winding down after a hard day at...

Doctor and Nurse Burnout

Hi, this is Dr. Veerle Van Tricht, The Burnout eExpert. I've worked for 20 years, over three continents, in many hospitals where I noticed doctors and nurses and other professionals with burnout. I've also noticed that they were not recognised by their doctors, as...

Tips to Avoid Burnout

Hi, this is Dr. Veerle Van Tricht, The Burnout Expert. I'm talking to you from the beautiful island of Bali. And as I enjoy this very healthy fruit smoothie, I'm actually giving you two tips already on the things you could do to avoid burnout. Healthy food and having...

The Burnout Solution

Hi, this is Veerle Van Tricht. I'm a medical doctor and I have developed The Burnout Solution, because I know burnout is a very big problem in Western society. Studies have been done by the American Society of Psychology that says that more than 50% of employees...

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