Being Rich is Living Life on your Terms

 According to your Possibilities – Not Your Limitations

As I am taking the early Virgin train to London, I recall some of the insights one of my teachers, Carl Harvey, shared in our monthly Abundance Book Club (ABC) recently.

My passport needs renewing as I inspire to be a traveling Freedom Entrepreneur, keeping a valid passport is essential to me. After all one of my biggest passions in life is exploring the world, preferably with my three young children, and learning through experience…

The photo below was taken during this year’s Caribbean family cruise with the awesome Celebrity X cruises: a luxurious combination of family time, exploration of new territories, adventurous escapades and rest and relaxation to get me in the creative mode. On top of that I attended a week of Esther Hick’s teachings live on board, so my passion for learning and spiritual growth was also satisfied.

What an excellent “Bossing” experience that was. It made me feel Rich, which leads us to lesson number one of today’s blogpost.

Lesson number one: You are already richer than you think!


Whaaat!?! I hear you protest. This is your ego speaking. The poor thing has been trying to keep you safe for your whole life. If you truly want to change your life, you need to thank the little scaredy cat and send it out for a sulk outside. Because what we are gonna do here is going to Freak It Out!

Wealth or feeling rich is not about the accolades, stuff, or even cash that you have accumulated. In fact a lot of people with a full bank account are stingy and live in the fear of losing their money. Which in my opinion is not something that I would prefer over the feeling of living a rich life, on my terms, according to my values.


What wouldn’t you change, if you had all the money in the world?


Write down 5-10 things, that you have in your life at present, that make you feel rich. 


For Example: Is it the Starbucks coffee you gift yourself everyday?

Is it the area you live in?

Do you have soft clothes, a comfy bed, a week in the sun drinking pina coladas? Did you achieve your dream profession? The love of your children, friends, and pets. The beauty in nature. Time in the morning to go for a walk or run on the beach…


Lesson number two: You need to lift your vibration to the Abundance Vibration in order to attract more Goodness in your life.


Well, how do I do that? You might wonder.

It is very simple. You might have heard it before.

Pay attention to all the richness in your life, every single day and feel your love and gratitude flowing to it.


This is the best way to keep your vibration high enough at all times so that all the goodness that has accumulated in your Vortex (as per Esther Hicks) is able to materialise. It was always there in consciousness.

Your dreams, your thoughts, your words, your wishes (good and bad) continue to exist as energy. The universe wants you to have what you ask for. All you have to do is to lift your own vibration to the same frequency for you to be able to receive.


For those of you new to this gratitude principle: it helps to start with a Gratitude Journal. Just get yourself a pretty notebook and keep it next to your bed. Every evening before you fall asleep, write down 3 things that you are grateful for.


If you have been in a low mood for a while, it might feel hard at first. Surely, you can be grateful for a roof over your head, running water and the electricity that powers this electronic device that you are using. Yes?


Tonight come up with three new aspects of your life to be grateful for. The helpful shop assistant, the early bird song, the funny YouTube video that made you laugh out loud…


Keep up with it and you will see it gets easier everyday to find the richness in your current life.


Lesson number three. Love yourself enough to do what you love.


This is the inner shift that is needed before you will allow abundance to show up in your life. This is a big hurdle for most people to overcome.


When you find self love, you will be brave enough to quit the job you hate and you will start pursuing your true passions and life purpose.


So write down the things you love about yourself. Ask friends and loving family members (not the other ones). I would suggest you stick a happy photo of yourself on a colourful piece of cardboard and write the positive aspects you have received from your entourage around your photo.


Keep it in a visible place in your home. 
Decorate it with photos of the riches in your current existence. 
Flowers, pets, a bike, a bag, things you enjoy…
Look at it regularly and after a week of this you can upgrade to the mirror exercise 
pioneered by the late Louise Hay: Look yourself in the eyes and say out loud:” I Love You”.

Then go out and do at least one thing a day that you enjoy. Self Love will want to treat you to a fancy coffee, a delicious meal, a massage or a magazine. ENJOY


I am running public talks (starting September 16) and small group workshops over the next two months on “How to Make Every Day Easy and Joy Full”

Contact me via the contact me page if you are interested to attend( only 8 places) or find out more about upcoming events.

My Surgeon Talks to Angels: A Journey from Science to Faith eBook

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