How to clear a room from Negative Energy

How to clear a room from Negative Energy

How to clear a room from negative energy   You can clear or change a scary environment if you walk into a room or space that has bad energy. I just surround myself with Angels. If there are bad-tempered people I also call on them to fill the room. What happens is...
The 3 Spirit Guides I work with

The 3 Spirit Guides I work with

The 3 Spirits Guides I work with and have been with me the longest are a North American chief, a Chinese herbalist, and an African fertility goddess. My oldest spirit guide is Chief Longneck of the Navajo.   The Navajo is a tribe still living in the Monument...
8 Ways to Live your Purpose with Archangel Gabriel

8 Ways to Live your Purpose with Archangel Gabriel

If you are still looking for your True Purpose in Life, ask Archangel Gabriel.   Gabriel’s 8 Superpowers:   Gabriel answers questions about your future and life purpose in visions or while you sleep. Gabriel helps with conception and ensures an easy delivery...
Heal with Archangel Raphael

Heal with Archangel Raphael

8 Ways To Receive Archangel Healing   Visualise Emerald Green Healing Light surrounding the painful/diseased area Ask Raphael to send healing energy through your hands Feel Raphael’s presence See Raphael’s healing green light Ask AA Michael to cut etheric cords...

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