My Surgeon Talks to Angels: A Journey from Science to Faith eBook

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Dr. Veerle Van Tricht is a highly specialized eye surgeon who has spent most of her professional life working to restore vision. However she has a vision of a different kind. Born into a cold Flemish family, Veerle knew at an early age that she had a connection with angels and the spirit world. As a young child she naturally astral travelled to other dimensions with her angels, never knowing this was special or unique.

In her 20-year career as a specialist surgeon, Veerle (known as Dr V) has been guided by her angelic helpers to heal an estimated 20,000 patients across the globe. She has worked in Belgium, France, South Africa, Cameroon, Namibia, Australia and the United Kingdom.

In this book Veerle shares her secrets of how she connects to the divine realm and how she has used this to heal and operate. She tells the story of her remarkable journey navigating the medical world as an intuitive and natural healer. She shows how the science of medicine was often at odds with her own spiritual diagnoses and how she had to move beyond the veil of science as a surgeon.

Whilst a student with Doreen Virtue in 2014, in Maui, she felt a strong calling to write a book about her personal encounters with angels, as a surgeon and as a patient. Many will be comforted by her message: that they are never alone, in sickness and in health their angels are always by their side.

According to a recent survey 77 percent of Americans believe in Angels.

This book comes at a time when patients are searching for a way to regain their power in their own wellbeing and healthcare. This book shows them they hold the power to their own healing and that the solution is not always in scientific medicine.

We are entering an exciting new age, where human beings are beginning to see themselves as the gatekeepers of their own health and vitality. Veerle is on a mission to empower patients and teach them how to take back the key to their own health and well being.

She has a message for anyone approaching surgery: that spirits and angels are all around you – whether you can sense them or not. They are there most particularly when you are in danger – and they even come and help with doctors who don’t believe. You only need to ask.

Veerle shows you how to call on your angels for help. Over years she has developed techniques and methods to sharpen her intuition and her connection with angels and spirits, which she shares in this book.

She shares her own practical techniques for daily support and help. She also shares distinct methods to help you prepare for surgery in order to get the best possible outcome.

Her bigger mission is to contribute to a more holistic and sustainable health system for all humans.

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